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Community in Thbong Khmum to Celebrate Joint Fish-Catching Next Month

Thbong Khmum: A community in Cambodia’s Thbong Khmum province will celebrate their annual traditional joint fish-catching event on Feb. 1. The upcoming celebration will be presided over by H.E. Pen Kosal, Governor of Thbong Khmum province and his spouse. The tradition of joint fish-catching has been practiced since ancient times in Satum village, Choam Krovean commune, Memut district of Thbong Khmum province as an event to reinforce the community’s solidarity.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, after finishing their rice harvest mostly in December, the community members organise the joint fish-catching in Boeung Trapeang Krom Lake that they had preserved for all year round. Only traditional fishing tools were allowed, and the catches will be collectively cooked and served. The local authority supported the practice that has noticeably increased the amount of fish preserved in the lake, and national and international guests are welcome to join the event.