H.E. SUN Chanthol, Deputy Prime Minister and First Vice President of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), is planning to continue before the end of this year his ‘Knock-on-Door’ mission to attract more investors in some countries in Europe, the U.S.A., and Asia to come to invest in Cambodia.
The information was revealed by H.E. SUN Chanthol while he was meeting at the CDC headquarters here late last week with H.E. Stefan Messerer, Ambassador of Germany to Cambodia; H.E. Felipe de la Morena Casado, Ambassador of Spain to Cambodia; and Mr. Bryan Fornari, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Cambodia, to review the results of his ‘Knock-on-Door’ mission in Spain and Germany in June, and discuss forward direction.
During the mission, he said, the Cambodian delegation has met with over 40 Spanish and German companies, including BOSCH, ACCIONA Energia, Insud Pharma, Memmert, uvex, Melia Group, Talgo, and so on, in the form of Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Government (B2G).
Speaking v
ia videoconference, H.E. Felipe de la Morena announced that some major Spanish companies would visit Cambodia in upcoming October to learn more about the Kingdom’s investment environment and opportunities.
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse